How to change or add any information to update your profile

HPU is a volunteer run website – at this time we have not set up a registration log in and create a password system for users to themselves log back in and update their own profiles. Follow the steps below to do it.

2 easy steps

1) You would first click create a profile and make a completely new one with all current information you want, upload an image again and click submit. (Note temporarily both your old and new will show up with the date they were created)

2) Then simply email us at asking us to delete your older profile –that’s it.

Please include your phone number in case we have a question. The HPU team will manually delete your older profile version.

Goals for Hawaii Parents United

It is our goal to add a log in and update feature but we need donations to pay for that to be built. The cost is around $800 for our overseas coder. We also envision a curriculum sharing library or exchange.

2 ways you can help our team:

1) make a donation — email us at

2) Donate 1 hour per week and join the team– we can use you!

Volunteer jobs

1) adding more profile/resources — this involves finding and reaching out to groups and churches and calling homeschoolers and ask them to add their profile & follow up

2) helping with answering emails – log into our email 3 times a week and answer them – we would also train you how to click delete for older profiles when asked

3) helping the community share curriculum they are finished with– responsibility- to keep a current list of what is available to share – this may also involve checking FB homeschool groups

— curriculum sharing could in time become a physical exchange in a volunteer’s garage or house where people from outer islands mail theirs to us and Oahu families drop it off.

Mahalo, please email if you can help at

Team Hawaii Parents United